Thursday, January 20, 2011


My title Is, Today for a reason, and that is because I am thankful to be alive and have a job. So many today will wake up without a job, and are struggling to stay above water (per say). So many times things happen in life and we think we cannot make it, but my friend ,look around, and you will find so many worse off...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A little up and yet, a little down.

I hope this post finds all well!! Today I had a full day. I had my teeth cleaned, and a haircut, also picked up tree limbs for a friend.
I decided to clean my Hummingbird feeders and make food for them. (1 cup sugar and 4 cups water, put together and shake till all sugar is dissolved. Keep in fridge. )I am so excited about every day the Lord gives me. According to the Bible I am living on borrowed time, so I am trying to enjoy every minute He gives me. The Lord has been very gracious to me in all my years...He has been very considerate to my family. I have had some real heart breakers, and didn't know if I would pull through ,and actually at times I didn't know If I wanted to. Three wonderful boys, three wonderful Daughter-in-laws, four Granddaughters and one Great grand son ,they are all precious to me... Well I guess I will move on all take care and remember Jesus loves you and so do I ..:)

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Spring is just around the corner. As for me I am ready. I also like snow a lot, alto a lot of people can't understand that, but I do. I love all the things that God has made...I do not worship nature, but I enjoy it tremendously. Being out of door's is so refreshing. Working in the yard is sometimes frustrating, along with worth while. My daughter-in-law Leslie say's " make it relaxing and just take your time". She is a good help in the flowers, so relaxed and enjoys it so much.. We both take a lot of picture's, as you know. I share some on Facebook with all my friend's . Well enough for today hope you write me and enjoy the pictures. Remember God is still in control...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sometimes I don't understand the ways of man. I guess the only one that does is Jesus, but it would be nice to have a little glimps into their thoughts. I believe I understand the Scripture a little more that says, " Silents is golden". Sometimes a person can say something, and say God told me, and the next they have forgotten what they said He told I believe we better make sure it is of God before we act on it. So many lives have been destroyed and devastated . Satan is the biggest destroyer of human life, but man is second... The only thing I can tell anyone, by my own experience is, keep hanging on to the Cross and to Jesus, for He is the only way.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shinning Britte, a very gentle breeze. We need to thank God for that. I took pictures of the Easter Lillie's, beautiful yellow, also, there was a honey bee gathering food from the much to be thankful for...I as one, will admit I forget sometimes.

Monday, March 23, 2009

more ups than downs.

I believe lately that I have been trying to have more ups than downs. I guess the only way we can do anything is with God in our lives.. No guessing , that is the only way...Life is a journey..but we can be sure God is right there with us at every turn in life...