Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A little up and yet, a little down.

I hope this post finds all well!! Today I had a full day. I had my teeth cleaned, and a haircut, also picked up tree limbs for a friend.
I decided to clean my Hummingbird feeders and make food for them. (1 cup sugar and 4 cups water, put together and shake till all sugar is dissolved. Keep in fridge. )I am so excited about every day the Lord gives me. According to the Bible I am living on borrowed time, so I am trying to enjoy every minute He gives me. The Lord has been very gracious to me in all my years...He has been very considerate to my family. I have had some real heart breakers, and didn't know if I would pull through ,and actually at times I didn't know If I wanted to. Three wonderful boys, three wonderful Daughter-in-laws, four Granddaughters and one Great grand son ,they are all precious to me... Well I guess I will move on all take care and remember Jesus loves you and so do I ..:)

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Spring is just around the corner. As for me I am ready. I also like snow a lot, alto a lot of people can't understand that, but I do. I love all the things that God has made...I do not worship nature, but I enjoy it tremendously. Being out of door's is so refreshing. Working in the yard is sometimes frustrating, along with worth while. My daughter-in-law Leslie say's " make it relaxing and just take your time". She is a good help in the flowers, so relaxed and enjoys it so much.. We both take a lot of picture's, as you know. I share some on Facebook with all my friend's . Well enough for today hope you write me and enjoy the pictures. Remember God is still in control...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sometimes I don't understand the ways of man. I guess the only one that does is Jesus, but it would be nice to have a little glimps into their thoughts. I believe I understand the Scripture a little more that says, " Silents is golden". Sometimes a person can say something, and say God told me, and the next they have forgotten what they said He told I believe we better make sure it is of God before we act on it. So many lives have been destroyed and devastated . Satan is the biggest destroyer of human life, but man is second... The only thing I can tell anyone, by my own experience is, keep hanging on to the Cross and to Jesus, for He is the only way.